RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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P03 - Inhibition of lung enzymes of pathophysiological relevance by chemical warfare agents: identification of enzyme adducts, novel biomarkers and potential pathomechanisms

Aim of the project is to identify and characterize the effect of selected inhalable poisons (e.g., nerve and blister agents, pesticides, tear gases) on certain lung enzymes that might also be suited as biomarkers of exposure.
Experiments will be focussed on modern mass spectrometric analysis of adduct formation and enzyme activity after exposure of neat proteases, cell cultures of lung cells as well as homogenates of lung tissue to the agents in vitro.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Harald John

Bundeswehr Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology



PD Dr. med. Dirk Steinritz

Bundeswehr Medical Service Academy and LMU Munich

+49 89 3168 7430
