RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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GRK 2338 Seminar - Luisa Jimenez-Soto

Walther-Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, LMU Munich

08.07.2022 at 15:00 

Title: Do you speak toxin?

If an alveolar macrophage eats a bacterium, it will defend itself using bacterial toxins. This is possible only because the bacteria has learned, thanks to evolution and bacteriophages, the "predator's language" (cellular processes) and how to hack into the system. We are using Data Science and statistical models to decipher what bacteria have learned about the "Language" of life. Assuming the "grammar" is hidden in proteins , we will use Machine learning to find new toxins affecting bacterial predators.


  • 3.00 pm GRK 2338 Lecture
  • 4.00 pm Meet the Speaker Session 



PhD-Host: Eva-Maria Weiden (P08)