RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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GRK 2338 Seminar - David Peralta

Editor-in-Chief, ChemMedChem

29.04.2022 at 15:00 

Title: Why was my paper rejected? Optimizing manuscripts for successful submission and publication"

How do journal editors process manuscripts? What can I do to improve my journal submissions? What are top reasons editors reject manuscripts, and how could this be avoided? What top tips should I remember when writing and submitting a manuscript? What should I never do when submitting a paper? In this presentation, Dr. David Peralta (Editor-in-Chief, ChemMedChem, Wiley-VCH) will open up the black box of publishing. We'll cover the best practices to get one's paper reviewed and published, the editorial thought process, and some concrete tips in optimizing manuscripts (cover letters, titles, abstracts). Participants will also get the chance to interact with the editor in a Q&A session after the presentation. The talk will be useful to anyone in the sciences who wishes to publish their work someday (from graduate students, to postdocs, and even experienced professors).


  • 3.00 pm GRK 2338 Lecture
  • 4.00 pm Meet the Speaker Session 


Zoom Meeting

PhD-Host: Fee Gölitz