RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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Individual Career Coaching Program

The goal of the Individual Coaching Program is to make coaching available for the specific topics and the specific times when you need it. This program aims to provide holistic career development support that focuses on identifying and utilizing your strengths.

We have invited professional coaches to provide their services for you.

Topics that you can discuss with your coach may include:

  • personal and professional growth
  • soft skills (e.g. presentation skill, conflict management, time management)
  • decision-making processes
  • negotiation techniques
  • work-life-balance
  • personal issues related to job satisfaction and performance, such as fears or exhaustion

Who is eligible?

The Gender Program of the GRK 2338 offers the opportunity for Individual Coaching for female scientists funded by or closely associated with the GRK 2338 

How does it work?

Send an email with a short description of your questions to S.Resenberger@lrz.uni-muenchen.de.

The email is confidential, goes directly to the coaches, and will not be discussed with GRK associates.
The gender program funds 2 sessions, 2 hours each initially; more may be funded depending on individual circumstances.
The coaching can be provided in English or Geman.
We provide anonymity to all participants in the coaching program!