RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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Winner of the Young Investigator Merit Award 2021


Per Generation of doctoral researchers, 1 (-2) outstanding young researcher (s) of the RTG will be honoured by a Young Investigator Award to encourage them to stay in academia.

 Young Investigator Merit Award

The Award is endowed with

  • Start-up funding (100.000 €)
  • Consisting of a postdoctoral position for 6 months
  • Consumable to initiate an independent research project

Search Commitee:

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürkle
  • Prof. Dr. Holger Barth
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Singer

The search committee has chosen Barbara Julia Spix (P08) and Michal Mastalerz (P07) as best candidates to receive the Young Investigator Merit Award. They were impressed by the high quality of research of both upcoming scientists.

The Executive Committee of the GRK 2338 is pleased and thankful that they have been given the chance to train a new generation of gifted scientists and they would like to actively support their future career by means of the Merit Award.


 Congratulations to Barbara Spix and Michal Mastalerz!