RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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01.08.2024 – 31.07.2025

+++ MD Scholarships with a monthly payment of 1.037 € +++

The Research Training Group (RTG) GRK 2338 “Targets in Toxicology” offers medical scholarships in different renowned research groups of our RTG.
As holder of this scholarship you are a member of the Research Training Group (RTG) GRK 2338 “Targets in Toxicology”. The GRK represents a truly international program and benefits from an excellent scientific environment and a state-of-the-art research infrastructure.

As member of the RTG you have to participate in the lecture series “Toxicology of the lung” (once a month) and the annual Research Retreat (once a year). All other courses offered by the GRK can be attended optionally.

The scholarship will be given for 12 months, a minimum of 8 months full-time in the laboratory is required.

The monthly scholarship payment is 1.037 €. In addition, a total amount of 395 € in lab consumables per month is available.

Free postions are listed here.


If you want to apply for this scholarship, send an application (CV, motivation letter and certificates) to S.Resenberger@lmu.de. For project-specific questions please contact the respective group leader (specified in the project description).

Applications will be accepted until 10 of May 2024.