RTG 2338 Targets in Toxicology

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MD Students - 1st Cohort (2018 -2020)

Julia Hector

Julia Hector

MD Student

P01 - Cellular and subcellular localisation of P2X7 receptor in the lung and evaluation of its potential interaction partners

Work group:

Nicke Lab - Ionenkanal-Rezeptoren

Lorenz Thumann

Lorenz Thumann

MD Student

P03 - Interaction of alkylating compounds with TRPV4 channels

Work group:

Steinritz/Stenger Lab

Elisabeth Dick

Elisabeth Dick

MD Student

P07 - Influence of cigarette smoke on extracellular matrix dynamics in bronchial epithelial cells

Work group:

Staab-Weijnitz Lab 

Alina Nakhabina

Alina Nakhabina

MD Student

P08 - Molecular and functional characterisation of lung phenotypes in TPC1, TPC2 null mice with a particular focus on the measurements of lung function parameters under basal conditions

Work group:

Grimm Lab -  Endolysosomal Ion Channel

Anna Rössig

Anna Rössig

MD Student

P10 - Identification of Pharmacological agents acting selectively on TRPM6 and TRPM7

Work group:

Gudermann/Chubanov Lab - Melastatin-related TRP Channels

Caroline Hackl

Caroline Hackl

MD Student

P11 - Lung lineage-restricted responses to tobacco carcinogens

Work group:

Stathopuolos Lab: Molecular Lung Carcinogenesis